We live in Albertville alabama, in what has been described as "The most densely populated rural county in America. "We" consists of my wife and a steadily growning number of cats.
The lovely Chelsea Parsons grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and Fort Worth, Texas. She graduated from BYU with a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work. While at school she met Derrick White, and we married in November 2013. Chelsea currently does medical social work. As if a full time job weren't enough, she also teaches seminary and keeps her husband from forgetting important things like when to pay the bills. Chelsea loves to study human behavior. She studied it in school, and still stops to marvel about how different people think differently. She likes detective stories, probably for this reason, particularly the psychological approach of Agatha Christie and the true circumstances of forensics documentaries. She is an avid Alabama football fan, like her parents, and reminds me that she waited her whole life for them to be "good again". She's quite handy with a video game controller. She mostly plays games with strong plots. Of course, no description of Chelsea would be complete without mentioning her "Fur Babies". She loves all furry animals, but her own hold a special place in her heart.
Angelpuss is also known as just "Angel", or just "Fluffy-Butt" when she's acting up. Which is reasonably often. She likes to tear up paper and meet new people. Despite loving strangers, Angel doesn't like to be picked up, and isn't above nipping you to remind you what you're supposed to be doing. Which is stroking her back and face.
Persephone (or "Seph") is shy cat very attached to her owner. Everyone else, including the other cats, is suspect. There are a few others she trusts, and will occasionally let love her. Of course, if you're in her good graces, she is an uncommonly cuddly cat, letting you hold her in odd positions, stroke her belly, and shoving herself into your arms. Despite this shy and loving demeanor around her humans, she's our best hunter.
Kaladin is our "Grey Thing". He's a very athletic cat who loves nothing better than to lounge around the house. He's outgrowing his kittenhood, but if you get the right cat toy, he'll still demonstrate some awesome leaps, plucking his target out of the air. Kaladin isn't terrible interested in people, but is the best friend to all the other cats. He will put up with whatever they do to him and still rub up against them.
Parley loves the limelight, and comes running to great strangers. He likes to wrestle other cats, chase things, and eat the other cat's treats. He scampers around like he's seen everything for the first time, and likes to follow Angelpuss into the shower to drink water. He's still a little clumsy, and he doesn't like to jump. Parley has no fear of enclose spaces, and seems to get more excited about pouncing things when he's under a blanket. Which is really cute until he decides to go for your toes.
This little kitty showed up in our back yard in the winter of 2017-2018. We brought her in during a cold snap. She is a very particular little beast with a loud voice. She has favorite places to play or be loved and will lead you to them so you can love her in the correct location. She's not allowed outside, because she gets extremely nervous and runs away from everything. When she's comfortable, she's a very sweet cat who loves to be rubbed
The seminary kids don't technically live here, but I think they use our kitchen table more than we do, so I thought it right to include them.